Contours of Religious Diversity in Pakistan
Since its independence in 1947, Pakistan’s religious contours have kept on changing. Religion apparently has more influence in the Pakistani society than it had in the past.
Gradually, Pakistan’s multicultural and multi-religious identity is becoming invisible under growing religious passion. This is despite the fact that owing to its strategic location on the celebrated Silk Road, the region comprising today’s Pakistan played a key role in bringing together diverse cultures and religious faiths. Besides its Muslim majority, Pakistan still has millions of devotees of world’s major religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism. All these great faiths have had an enormous impact on the evolution of Pakistani culture and society.
Like Islam, all these great religions are vital to the progress of Pakistan. To highlight the religious diversity of Pakistan, the Silk Road Centre organized a heritage photo contest.
Entries were invited to visually document the followers of any Pakistani religion participating in their everyday religious practice and rituals. The major purpose of the Heritage Photo Contest was to promote a better understanding and respect for all the religions of Pakistan.
Following entries were received in response to the contest invitation: